Food donation List

Donations are welcome anytime. The Open Pantry is always in need of non-perishables which could be considered a nutritious part of a meal.
These include:
Canned vegetables, canned fruits, fruit juices, canned beef, turkey or chicken, canned soups and stews, tuna, pasta, cereals, powdered milk, macaroni & cheese, rice, spaghetti sauce, peanut butter, and beans.

Additionally, we distribute toiletries including: soap, toilet paper, tissues, paper towels, toothpaste, and shampoo.
At times, we may also provide diapers, wipes, baby formula, baby food, and cat/dog food when they are available.

During the holiday seasons, frozen turkeys, whole chickens, and ham/canned ham are all welcome as donation items.
Please help us by making sure all food donations are safe to consume by our constituents by checking use-by date, food safety alerts, and the condition of the product(s) before dropping off.
Monetary Support

Money is used for purchasing food and operations required to provide food to our clients, which is not always available through donations. All donations go to the ongoing support of the Open Pantry’s services, and your contributions are tax-deductible.
Please know that all support is greatly appreciated. We are also happy to accept donations in honor or in memory of your loved ones.
The pantry accepts online donations, or checks made payable to The Open Pantry of Greater Lowell and mailed to:
The Open Pantry
PO Box 7258
Lowell, MA 01852

If you would like to discuss planned giving or other ways you can give to and support The Open Pantry, please email us at or visit us, contact us.